
5305 Locomotive Association is a volunteer organisation, from our newest member to our committee. This means that we are passionate about what we do and that any profit and donations go towards maintaining our fleet of locomotives and support coaches.

We are always on the search for new volunteers to help us maintain and operate the locos in our care.

To volunteer with us, all you need to be is:
– Over 18
– A member of 5305 Locomotive Association

How do I volunteer?
All you need to do is to join us as a member and let us know you are interested in volunteering. If you are already a member then just let us know.

What roles are available?
While there are specific roles within the group to organise and manage volunteers, admin and money etc. Generally all our volunteers get involved in numerous roles and opportunities.
The main roles are:
– Engineering
– Operations
– Outreach
– Sales and Fundraising
– Newsletter Editing

How often do I need to volunteer?
Volunteering is at our heart. We appreciate that all our volunteers have their own jobs, families, life commitments etc. How much time you are able to offer is entirely up to you. There are no “minimum hours” or contracts.

Do I need any experience?
No experience is needed of any kind. All we ask is that you are keen, willing to learn and ready to get stuck in! There are a wide range of roles available to suit all interests and experiences.

Do I need any training or qualifications?
No training or qualifications are needed. There are roles for all experiences and skill sets. Relevant safety training will be provided as necessary.

Can I join the mainline support crew?
The mainline support crew are volunteers who accompany the locomotives when they are visiting other heritage railways or on mainline railtours. This is often seen as the greatest reward for all the time and effort put into maintaining our fleet. To join the support crew you need to pass medical exam and relevant safety qualifications to Network Rail standards. These are expensive and therefore the support crew are selected based on commitment, experience and work ethic. Working on the mainline is an entirely different world to a heritage railway and has it’s own pressures and dangers. Therefore we need to make sure we have the right people on the support crew.