Welcome to the August update.
August has been a bit quiet with many of our volunteers being on holiday. So where are we at the start of the Autumn?
The work is now largely finished on cleaning and painting of the locomotive’s frames. The valve liners have been cast and are now in the machine shop ready for machining to size.

The final fettling on the boiler front tubeplate is nearly complete. underway in preparation for the fitting of new tubes. The new tubes and bottle ends will soon be ordered.

The superheater header was removed to the machine shop. The studs have been removed and the holes taped out and new studs fitted. The faces for the steam pipes and the tubeplate have been machined. The superheater is now ready for refitting.

The lubrication pipework is being assessed. As I said last month, is probably over 60 years old and much of it will require replacement.
If you would like to get involved in the overhaul and join us on a working weekend, please contact us at comms@5305la.org.uk. In addition to our shopping list above, we are also at a stage where we can outsource some of the technical work. If you are able to offer us further financial support through donations please go to https://www.sirlamiel.org.uk/monthly-donations/ We also accept donations of railway related items and books to sell in our shed shop and sales stand. Please contact us at comms@5305la.org.uk.
Thank you for your support for the overhaul of Sir Lamiel.
Alan Berck-May