Welcome to the April update.
Work continues on the cleaning and preparing the inside of the frames for painting but the good news is that this phase of the overhaul is nearing completion. The inside frames have been thoroughly cleaned and painted in primer. Last week saw the area where the firebox sits cleaned down and a coat of undercoat has been applied. We’ve also started undercoating the spring hangers and horn guides. Various panels, the linkage for the cylinder drain cocks and the tender doors are also being cleaned and painted.
The changeover valve for the exhaust steam injector has been overhauled. This will enable us to trial fit the steam pipes the cylinder block to beneath the cab of the locomotive.
The pony truck wheels are also receiving a final clean down and a coat of black undercoat.
On the tender, the front tender bogie wheels are still at Tyseley after issues with their wheel lathe. We hope to have them back in Loughborough in the next few weeks. This should coincide with the completion of work on the axleboxes. Work has also started on the plating of the tender body and the first piece of new steel has been let in.
Work can continue at a much quicker pace if we had more people working on the locomotive. We are working most weekends and also most Thursdays and Fridays. If you would like to get involved in the overhaul and join us on a working weekend, please contact us at comms@5305la.org.uk
Thank you for your support for the overhaul of Sir Lamiel.
Alan Berck-May