We’ve made good progress on Sir Lamiel’s overhaul. Obviously the COVID 19 restrictions have affected progress. Our target is to return Sir Lamiel to working order in time to celebrate its 100th birthday in 2025. The overhaul will be to full mainline standard and will be based at Loughborough on the Great Central Railway. In 2020 we launched a fund-raising appeal “Knights of the Round table” to raise £80,000 to help us fund the overhaul.
Initial work to strip down the locomotive began in 2020. The boiler was lifted from the Frames in October 2021. The internal boiler surfaces have been cleaned up and all the cladding is being removed. The good news is that the boiler inspector has completed his examination and our assessment of the work required has been confirmed. With no major issues found, we can push forward with the overhaul.
777’s frame minus it’s boiler 777’s boiler in it’s new home.
Work is continuing on the tender. All the brake gear has been removed, cleaned up and painted and is now being stored. Currently we are preparing the tender for lifting. This will enable the tender bogies to be run out for examination and cleaning. The motion, pistons and valves have been removed from the frames. The cylinders will require reboring and new liners fitting. Work has also started on preparing the insides of the loco’s frames for painting. Degreasing is also continuing on the outside of the frames. The plan is to lift the frames from the wheels this year. We have, with help from the Great Central Railway, invested in two containers to store components securely.
Needle gunning the inside of the frames Descaling the inside of the boiler for the inspector Crosshead, Piston and Valves removed Inside the valve A “before” picture of the tender cab floor A “after” picture ready for painting and new cab floor
We’re still looking to increase our membership and the numbers of working volunteers, especially anyone willing to join the sales stand team.
If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact comms@5305la.org.uk
The news from the boiler inspector is very welcome. However, the cost of the copper bar for the replacement stays and new tubes etc will not be cheap. Orders will need to be placed soon if we are to meet our target of 2024.
There are a few ways you can help us:
Join the Knights of the Round Table is main way of supporting the overhaul of Sir Lamiel
There is also the opportunity to make one off or regular monthly donations.
Become a working volunteer.
Please help us to complete Sir Lamiel’s overhaul in any way you can.
Alan Berck-May Chairman
777 Sir Lamiel is the only surviving Southern Railway King Arthur Class locomotive. Sir Lamiel is part of the National Collection of locomotives loaned to 5305 Locomotive Association by the National Railway Museum.