Christmas is fast approaching and, if you’re a meat eater, you’ll be looking forward to turkey and all the trimmings. Us vegetarians are combing the recipe books for something different for Christmas lunch. The government is still to decide on the final restrictions for Christmas, once again we’re hoping for the best and fearing the worst.
That pretty much sums up our year for the Association. We had some hopes of getting the Five back out on the mainline but after careful thought we decided it would be better to keep it local and ensure that it made it through to the end of the boiler certificate extension. As it was we had a great 5305LA weekend (23rd & 24th October) with the Peak, Class 33 and 5305 all performing well. We also had our Fish and Chip special on the Saturday night.
The Peak has been a regular performer and is much easier to start now we have new batteries. There’s still loads of bodywork to do on the Class 33 but it has been in use at the GCR. Looking forward we need to press ahead with the repairs and a repaint in 2022.
After many delays we did actually lift the boiler of Sir Lamiel on the 27th October. Work continues on preparing the boiler for inspection. We can now start some serious work on the frames. Hopefully you will all see my video update for December, this will be uploaded soon. Sorry about the quality. This was my first time. Please let me know us know if you find it interesting and what you might like to see in future (
777’s Boiler in the frames before lifting. 777’s Boiler on the move. 777’s Boiler being lowered to it’s new home. Removal of the ashpan from 777’s boiler. 777’s frames minus a boiler. 777’s boiler in it’s new home.
Thank you for all your support in 2021. We look forward to another interesting and challenging year in 2022.
Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.
Alan Berck-May